About The Queen

Michelle Peterson Clark ~ The Content Marketing Queen

Michelle started her first consultancy business 25 years ago, when she was on maternity leave having her second son. Prior to that she worked in the public service, for State & Local Government in South Australia as a Project Manager for multi-million dollar urban redevelopment projects.

Always a writer, in early 2003/4, Michelle discovered ‘Content Marketing’ and began using the methodology for her own ideas and started doing newsletters and later blog posts for business friends she knew.

In 2012, the idea behind being ‘the Queen’ at Content Marketing Queen was born!

Over the past 10 years she has helped countless small businesses understand and develop their content strategies and focus on a customer first approach.

In 2017, Michelle and her husband John entered the world of ‘crypto’ and they have been involved with a number of blockchain companies including, Bolt.Global, Switcheo, Locklet.Finance, Quantstamp and in 2021 Michelle joined GhostMarket.io an NFT trading platform, as their Head of Marketing. 

Her love of content creation and the power of NFTs & Web3 have come together in Web3ContentLab.io .

It will be the prefect place where content creators can harness the power of Web3 for their workshops, courses, live events and webinars to get ready for the next wave of the internet by making sure their business is well placed to take advantage of all that the Web3 space has to offer.

A lover of history and writing saw her fulfil her lifelong dream of studying history at the University of Oxford, from where she now has a Master of Studies in Early Modern History (ask her about Henry VIII & the English Bible!). Her passion is history travel and when she has the time she wants to develop a new brand ‘Savvy Travel Historian’ but right now she is bringing the principles of content marketing to the Web 3/crypto space and learning something new every day.

Michelle is the mother of three boys and has two step-children and lives the a village in the beautiful English countryside of South Oxfordshire in the United Kingdom with her husband and youngest son. She travels home frequently to Australia to see her two adult boys & her parents who are living there.